Original post date – Febuary 8th 2021
So, this could turn out to be a sad plant post, I apologise in advance.
This is some of the damage, that has occurred due to negligence, I’m not going to name the shop but they stapled a plant to a moss pole.
Is this really standard practice? I took them all out and replace them with some Velcro although I usually use wire but it can damage the plant if too much pressure is applied and I recall @plantwithroos recommending getting some on Amazon as usual Ro always comes with the tips 💚
Not been shady I just think this practice has resulted in the need for the plant to be pruned prematurely, take that as a reminder to prune your plants.
Nothing beats pruning your albo 😳💀
What plants have you had to prune? Did it hurt your heart 😂😭
My Begonias and monsteras were all that needed seeing to personally.