The category is, an abundance of love, appreciation and above all homage to the one and only creator of #PLANTSnPOSES… @plantsdecoop
Travis is one of my dear friends i have valued since the day we met (the inception of this page).
They taught me the importance, of sharing the person behind the plants whilst highlighting the importance of curating conversations on issues that were been over looked.

It goes without saying I’ve been a little MIA, A fortnight ago, issues were solely focused on health within my family and in the past week, the issue was health within myself, I have been focusing on the importance of healing, letting go and restorative care.
Anyway my point is Travis is an angel who I adore, I know that and they know that, I always remember appreciating their philodendron verrucosum… to the point where I finally got mine, a mother plant, who will be harvested and will go on to be shared with others. (I actually got this plant last week, I was too ill to care for it and lost half of it, now I’m back to myself my plants are not suffering.)
I’d like to thank everybody who wished me well, I’m sorry if I’ve missed you or your messages but know that my healing has served its purpose and I’m looking forward to giving myself back to you all.
Every individual in this community, regardless of anything, make the space a safe haven in which I and others are able to bask in all that is.
Today I’d like to celebrate health, i’d like to celebrate vulnerability and I’d like to celebrate every individual stepping out of their comfort zone to make the world a better place step-by-step I see you and I value you.
Make sure to tune into the conversation with @thebloomjourney and @plantsdecoop this evening.

The pose I’m channelling, is unknown to me… you tell me, what’s on my mind?