Original post date – July 7th 2020 I mentioned recently that I’ve been rubbing this leaf a lot, only to find it’s pushing out new growth. If that’s not the power of manifestation I don’t know what is. Having doubts about life? Rub yo leaf good things will come. #variegatedmonstera #growth #motivation #monstera #manifestation
Category: Posts
Original post date – July 7th 2020 A wonderful gift from a sweet human, I can’t lie, plant gifts bring me the most joy. It’s a sad reality but these are my babies 🥰🥰💚 #epipremnumaureum #joy #plantsofinstagram
Original post date – July 7th 2020 Have a monstera snap, happy leaf unfurling… I can say monsteras are my favourite #monstera #albomonstera #rareplants #growth #photography #art #decor
Original post date – July 5th 2020 hAloe… how are you doin’ 😉💚 #plantsnposes #plantsnposes #plantsnposes #aloevera
Original post date – July 5th 2020 This elephant plant was seriously close to death but I managed to have revived it and give it a new form of life… I’m quite proud. I mean my other one is in much better condition but she’s getting there. #allocasia
Original post date – July 5th 2020 My monstera is moving so fast. It’s time to light a candle and some incense and relax. Tonight I celebrate the full moon, late but relaxation is essential. I have been burnt out. I know this monstera will be well established in the next few days. #monstera #growth #fullmoon #relaxation
Original post date – July 4th 2020 Feeling the plant love and joy today happy to share it with yall. I could just sit with these guys all day. #begonia #plantsofinstagram #propagation
Original post date – July 4th 2020 💚 I’m in love have some snaps #monstera #variegatedmonstera
Original post date – July 4th 2020 These aren’t the most glamorous photographs of my monstera but she has been growing so fast. Everyday I’ve noticed a change in her, I have been capturing the moments to share as a burst. #monstera#growth#plantsofinstagram
Original post date – July 3rd 2020 So much to process in one day but I will not be phased by the drama, I got the variegated monstera. 😂💀Dreams come true… manifest that shit @theplantpoint you saved a life. I will be taking photos tomorrow. Today I bask and rearrange my plants. #plantsandposes #variegatedmonstera #monstera #rareplants #overwhelmed