Original post date – July 30th 2020 @plants.and.dee asked what I’m up to… I’m getting ready to write project proposal whilst waiting for my bike to be repaired also decided to take cuttings from my mother methuselah (albo) debating putting this one up for sale to raise some dolla for my fundraiser what yall think? Also… Continue reading #84
Category: Posts
Original post date – July 28th 2020 Have some plant progress snaps… more are coming soon… FYI the last slide is the state of my living room, as you may see I’m busy working on greatness this is why I’m slow but ooo the progress of these guys is motivating to life. What are you… Continue reading #83
Original post date – July 25th 2020 😭🥰 I’m over the moon, like really, @kendra_urbanjungle_kween has warmed my heart and filled me with joy and motivation. @jinxandheart you’re also an angel 💚 Now I just need to name her, the monstera adansonii is the solid choice.
Original post date – July 20th 2020 Happy #monsteramonday. This is a selection of snaps from this morning also, ft my albo monstera and my standard monstera. Both are pushing out growth so fast. I’m just happy I found time to take a snap to share with yalls. Today is the day I sit still and… Continue reading #81
Original post date – July 20th 2020 Don’t you just love when you’re plants flower, so pretty. I have found myself just sat admiring this.
Original post date – July 19th 2020 18 weeks since I got to see and spend time with my granddad 😢😭💚 the feels are real. Today is family day! Never have I been so overstimulated by smells in my life.
Original post date – July 18th 2020 I want to heal the world but doing that with a soul that’s in need of so much is hard. – 4 weeks sober, lord knows the actions and inconsideration of others contributes towards my upset. I hear people saying “focus on yourself that’s all you can do”… Continue reading #78
Original post date – July 18th 2020 This was the sweetest moment this afternoon. Be like the rainbow, shine and inspire.
Original post date – July 17th 2020 Today’s contribution is a photograph of the leaf I rubbed into existence. Manifestation is a real thing. Envision your goal, work towards it and it will come into fruition. Growth takes time but it does happen if you take the steps. Be gentle, be kind, be you.
Original post date – July 16th 2020 I’m curious… how do your plants contribute towards your wellbeing? How do you use this space to heal? Please share your experiences,I have heard personally some of you use plants to heal from trauma, anxiety and depression but if you’d like to use this space to share please… Continue reading #75